In the media: publications, videos, awards, exhibitions




The Residential Palazzo

The Residential Palazzo is an account of the fascination for the palazzo as a model voor housing. The book is bilingual and can be ordered by transferring €35 to:

IBAN nr.: NL39 INGB 0006 5021 98
stating your name and postal address.



Bluecoat Arts Centre en de woningbouwprojecten Oranjeboomstraat en Kloosterbuuren in het Italiaanse architectuurtijdschrift Aión.



In his end-of-year-list of 2020 in NRC Handelsblad, the architecture critic Bernard Hulsman named the housing at Persoonshaven as the most important architecture of the year:

Sobre block with 26 stacked maisonettes in Feijenoord illustrates that, also in the 21st century, social housing does not need to be poor or thrifty. With its facades of different sorts of bricks and gargoyles and house numbers as ornaments, the blocks evokes memories of the glory time of the Dutch housing movement.



The housing at Persoonshaven in the Yearbook Architecture in The Netherlands 2020-2021. Download pdf here.


Diagrams: Hans van der Heijden in conversation with Richard Hall

Interview on the architectural drawing in the design process and more. Please read via de website of Drawing Matter.


Street Architecture

Monograph, according to the author Karin Templin also a primer on housing and urban design. With an introduction by Hans Kollhoff.

Karin Templin, Street Architecture – Work by Hans van der Heijden
ISBN 9789082808209
128 pages, illustrations in colour and black and white, 21 x 30 cm, English

Please visit review by Igor Maglica (Italian/English) here.

Download pdf of review by Jan Peter Wingender (English) here.

Download pdf of review by Daan Jenniskens (English) here.

Download pdf of review by Marko Sauer (German) here.


The Bluecoat Liverpool

Documentation of the Bluecoat arts centre in Liverpool by Blueprint. With essays by Tim Abrahams and David Dunster and an interview with Alistair Upton, the client of the project. Download pdf here.



Documentation of Persoonshaven design drawings and renders by Divisare.

(sold out)


Social Architecture

Under the title ‘towards a new social architecture’, architectural critic Bernard Hulsman writes about the decline of social housing quality. ‘New excellent social architecture, such as the housing block at Persoonshaven in Rotterdam designed by Hans van der Heijden, is becoming ever more exceptional.’


Productive City

Karin Templin laat in een zien hoe de de typologische studie voor de vernieuwing van Old Kent Road in Londen kan bijdragen kan leveren aan de productieve stad.

Karin Templin demonstrates how the typological study to the renewal of Old Kent Road in London levels may contribute to the Productive City.

Karin Templin, Architectettura della strada nella città produttiva / Street Architecture in the Productive City, in: Cinzia Simioni, Alessandro Tognon, La città, progetti urbani / The city, Urban Design, Aión Edizioni, Florence, p. 148


New Dutch

Special edition of Swiss magazine Modulør dedicated to ‘New Dutch’ architecture with the subtitle Mind the Context, guest edited by Kirsten Hannema. Includes a documentation of the housing at Churchillpark, Kloosterbuuren and Oranjeboomstraat and a German translation of the essay Koolhaas at Play from 2005.


On Tradition

Interview in De Volkskrant on tradition and the position of architecture in The Netherlands by Sander van Walsum.


Building Matter

Review of the Kloosterbuuren project in The Hague by the young architect Elmar Koers.

Link to Archined (Dutch only)


The German Brick Blossoms

Conversation with Bernard Hulsman on the Post Piraeus initiative and the importance of a shared construction culture.

Link to De Duitse baksteen bloeit on the website of NRC Handelsblad. ‘A schism appears between Architecture and Construction Culture.’ (Dutch only)



Boijmans van Beuningen

In the series of so-called Inspiration Interviews run by the British weekly Building Design Pamela Buxton talked with HvdH about his fascination for the architecture of Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam. In 2016 the interviews were published as a book.

Download pdf


Social Mansions

Review by Kirsten Hannema of the social housing project at Oranjeboomstraat in Rotterdam: ‘Far too beautiful, really’.

Read website De Volkskrant (Dutch only)



Oranjeboomstraat, Interview

Review of the Oranjeboomstraat social housing project by Hugh Strange in Building Design plus interview.

Download pdf



Exacting Material

The book ‘Brick, an Exacting Material’ edited by Jan Peter Wingender contains case studies to the Bluecoat and the housing in Langerak. HvdH contributed with the essay ‘On the Eye and the Mind’.

Download unabridged version of Dutch manuscript



Rats Turn Architecture Around

Extensive essay by Harm Tilman on Monadnock, Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven and HvdHA.

Download pdf English translation


Kontinuität und Erneuering

‘By taking up local stylistic means the new brick buildings continue the architectural qualities of a neighbourhood characterized by variety’, Vorteile, das Bakstein Magazin.

Download pdf (German only)


Improvement over Replacement

Article by Ellis Woodman on urban renewal in a special issue of the  Architect’s Journal Exemplary Housing Estate Generation in Europe. Including a documentation of the Splayed Apartment Blocks.

Read AJ issue online


Life Class

Short questions and ditto answers to the life of an architect.

Download pdf





The Bluecoat in Context

Contribution of prof. David Dunster to the conference ‘Liverpool Reconsidered: Urban Regeneration and Cultural Turn’ organised by Brian Hatton at the AA School. He positions the Bluecoat arts centre as a building which opposes a new context formed by the exuberant architecture of the shopping district Liverpool I by offering quietness and austerity. ‘What is required, in general, in urban regeneration is not an architecture which promises a better future, but one that draws attention to itself.’


The Bluecoat Arts Centre, Liverpool, GB

Lecture on structure and architecture at the Aachener Tagung – Identität der Architektur, a yearly conference where architects discuss the content of their profession (German)


Rotterdam and Brickwork

Video on Rotterdam brickwork buildings, based on the lectures series HvdH organized for AIR Rotterdam (Dutch)


On Boijmans

Reflections on Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen as part of the brick city of Rotterdam, lecture in Arminiuskerk, Rotterdam (Dutch)


Rotterdam Built in Brick

Zoom lecture in 100 Day Studio series of the Architecture Foundation on the interbellum period of Rotterdam urbanism


Work with Type

Zoom lecture in 100 Day Studio series of the Architecture Foundation with reflections on housing typology, based on the reading of Gerard van Zeijl’s dissertation on the French architecture theorist Jean Nicolas Louis Durand (The Treatises of Jean Nicolas Louis Durand)


Persoonshaven Urban Housing

Presentation of Persoonshaven Houses with Two Doors in Rotterdam at the 2nd International Conference on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism under the theme TIMELESS Architecture. Paper published in the second issue of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.

Persoonshaven Housing

Interview on the design of the affordable Houses with Two Doors in Rotterdam Feijenoord (Dutch, please click CC for English subtitles)






Honourable mentiong Fritz Höger Preis, Kloosterbuuren, 2020

Nomination Fritz Höger Preis, Persoonshaven, 2020

Nomination Architect of the Year 2020

Nomination Geert Bekaert Prize for architecture criticism, Analogen, 2019 (podcast)

Best Designed Book 2018, publication Street Architecture, Amsterdam, 2019

Nomination Brick Award, affordable housing Oranjeboomstraat, Rotterdam, 2018

Nomination Rotterdam Architecture Award, affordable housing Oranjeboomstraat, Rotterdam, 2015

Nomination Fritz Höger Preis, Morgenzonlaan, Den Haag, 2014

Nomination Geert Bekaert Prize for architecture criticism, The heroism of rationalism?, 2014

Architecture Award Nijmegen, Hessenberg, Nijmegen, 2011

Nomination Dirk Roosenburg Award, urban renewal Lakerlopen, Eindhoven, 2011

Nomination Fritz Höger Preis, Hessenberg, Nijmegen, 2011

Nomination Fritz Höger Preis, affordable housingLangerak, Utrecht, 2011

Nomination Fritz Höger Preis, the Bluecoat, Liverpool, 2011

Fritz Höger Preis, urban renewal Lakerlopen, Eindhoven, 2011

Nomination Rotterdam Architectuurprijs, renovation Knikkers, Rotterdam, 2010

Nomination Mies van der Rohe Award, urban renewal Lakerlopen, Eindhoven, 2011

Shortlist Rotterdam Architectuurprijs, knikflats Ommoord, Rotterdam, 2009

Nomination Architect of the Year 2009

Nomination Rietveldprijs, affordable housing Langerak, Utrecht, 2009

Nomination Mies van der Rohe Award, the Bluecoat, Liverpool, 2009

Honourable mention World Architecture Festival Barcelona, the Bluecoat, Liverpool, 2009

Brick Award, the Bluecoat, Liverpool, 2009

Liverpool Architects’ Society Design Award, the Bluecoat, 2008

Building of the Year, the Bluecoat, Liverpool, 2008

RIBA Award, the Bluecoat, Liverpool, 2008

Finalist World Habitat Award, Tuindorp Kethel, Schiedam, 2006

3rd prize ideas competition ‘A New Logic for Business Parks’, Stichting Welstandszorg Noord-Holland, 2005

1st prize Europan-4 competition for architect under 40, renovation affordable housing Coronation Court, Liverpool, GB, 1996





‘Marie-José van Hee Architecten, een wandeling’, Vlaams Architectuurinstituut, Antwerpen (Belgium), 2022-2023

‘Composite Presence’, Architecture Biennale, Venice (Italy), 2021

‘La Città. Progetti Urbani’, Di Architettura, Padua (Italy), 2018

‘Best Designed Books 2019’, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL)

‘Alternative Histories’, London (UK), Brussels (Belgium) and Dublin (Ireland) , 2019-2020

‘La Città: Progetti Urbani’, Di Architettura, Padua (Italy), 2018

‘Social Housing, New European Projects’, Center for Architecture, New York (USA), 2018

‘Wonen in Stadshart’, City of Groningen (NL), 2017

‘WerkBundStadt Am Spreebord’, Das WerkBundHaus, Berlin (G), 2016

‘Pasticcio’, Architecture Biennale, Venice (I), Architekturgalerie Munich (G), VAi, Antwerp (B)), 2012-2014

‘Brick Dresses’, starting event of the research project An Exacting Material: Tectonics in Contemporary Brick Architecture, Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam (NL)

Ideas competition Het Kiel, Braem Year, VAI, Antwerp (B), 2012 

‘Architecture of Consequence’, NAi, Rotterdam, traveling exhibition, including Sao Paulo, Oslo, Moskow, Kiev, 2009-2014 

‘2 ½ D’, free work, the Bluecoat, Liverpool (UK), 2008 

‘Architektur und Leben in der Platten‘, Suitcase, Berlin (G), 2004